How ready ARE YOU TO BEShameless?

I came to the world shrouded in shame…
Now I’m here to help you
My mom was 17 when she conceived me, born into a strict Irish, Catholic Minnesota family, I was to be put up for adoption. I endured the burden of bringing sexual shame to a religious family, left in the hospital, I didn’t feel I had a place in this world from day one.
My sense of worthlessness and shame reached a new level when at age 5, I was sexually abused by a trusted adult, repeatedly in my own bed. My mother was strict, suppressive, and threatened by me, while the man that raised me struggled with drug and alcohol addiction. Then in high school, like many young women, I was severely slut shamed.
My challenging early years endowed me with a profound understanding of human suffering. I have become well-versed in the realm of the ‘dark night of the soul’… and the inevitable rebirth that follows.
In my late teens, I began to notice that I could not recall my past, my memories were inaccessible, and I was left with unanswered questions, a sense of brokenness and permeating despair.
I found puzzle pieces of my own healing in these… but also saw how many methods can be limited in reaching the depths of repressed trauma that I had. I was determined to find (or create) a method that would infallibly provide the answers and healing I so desperately sought.
My quest ultimately led me to draw from multiple modalities, adding more to my toolbox over the years. In my late twenties, my search led me to Kauai where I researched and developed some of the most effective techniques in energy-psychology and began to incorporate the with my clients seeing results 10x.
After working with hundreds of people around the world with these techniques, I began to see that there were clear patterns in the way people store, and also heal buried subconscious blockages. I continued to evolve these methods, and eventually refined my own system. I created my own systematic approach to subconscious repatterning, and founded this system as the ‘Boundless Method’. I trained and certified healers, coaches and therapists that wanted to be able to take their clients deeper and create more efficient results.
After 17 years of helping people heal the core root of their challengers, I decided to add hands-on-therapies to my transformational toolbox. I trained in internal and external pelvic massage for women, and saw how deeply needed and life-changing this therapy was for myself and others. Particularly in regards to being able to fully inhabit our bodies, our power and our pleasure as women.
I knew it was time to start working with more men and couples, as we can only heal so much by ourselves, we get to bring the healing full circle inside our relationships.
I became fascinated by power dynamics and the study of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism), and was drawn to the art of domination for my own personal and sexual growth, empowerment and pleasure. However I found that weaving the seductive world of BDSM with transformation, can reach far more men who also are in need of the inner work.
When men are in a safe and consensual space to explore their deepest desires, and vulnerabilities, they can open up in ways they never have before, and share things they’ve never shared with anyone. In the euphoric and hypnotic state of surrender to his Mistress, he is far more receptive to a healing perspective to his shadow side. I find that many men that seek refuge through sex work, are also suppressing their desire for more fulfilling and holistic sexual and romantic relationships and/or desiring a deeper fulfillment and purpose with their work. It is fertile ground for fun, and transformation.
I loved the edgy and creative landscape to embrace our desires, shadows, and kinks. I find it a fun, creative, transformational and empowering for both the giver and receiver and hope to bring this to more men and women.
I will support you to unapologetically inhabit it like never before
A journey awaits.
Unveiling hidden depths, where secrets lie,
There is a TRUTH, words can’t describe
Awakened now, in radiant rays of RED.
Each shadow revealed, a piece made whole,
Resilience reborn, from the depths of the soul