Here, you have full
permission to be
all of you.

What does your QUEENDOM look like?

Visionary women ready to be Shameless…

What does your QUEENDOM look like?

Visionary women ready to be Shameless…
I am Naia Leigh

…a spiritual guide, subconscious repatterning expert, somatic healer, and psychic dominatrix. My calling is to help powerful women like you, create soulful, and embodied impact.

The Red Mistresses approach is not for the faint of heart… Taking a seat on our rightful throne, requires us to shed the limiting beliefs, cultural programming, to integrate past traumas, and reclaim lost parts of ourselves. Are you ready to courageously confront all that holds you back from being the Queen you were born to be?

Through my multifaceted approach, I will illuminate everything in your mind, body and spirit that constrains you, and set you free through customized interventions.

I will push you to actualize the audacious dreams your soul whispers, no matter how impossible they may seem.

I will take a stand with you to unleash your voice, to viscerally feel your power, and watch in awe as your world transforms.

Who is this journey for?
  • Successful entrepreneurs hungry to take their empire to the next level
  • Corporate executives and professionals seeking new sources of creativity and fulfillment
  • Women feeling unsatisfied and unseen in their relationships
  • Mothers shouldering the burden of caretaking and ready to reclaim their feminine fire
  • Leaders being held back by impostor syndrome and self doubt
  • Soulful women seeking their soulmate and struggling to manifest healthy love
  • Wild creatives feeling trapped by societal norms and expectations
  • Spiritual seekers wanting to unleash their sensual, sexual energy
  • Anyone experiencing disconnection from their body, sexuality or inner wisdom

Through our sessions, you will:

  • Heal past traumas and conditioning holding you back
  • Awaken your body’s sensual intelligence
  • Cultivate intimacy and passion in your relationships
  • Deepen your connection with the divine feminine
  • Clarify and boldly pursue your soul’s purpose
  • Develop your psychic senses, intuition and manifestation powers
  • Become a magnetic leader who inspires others
  • Fall back in love with your whole, authentic self

My methods draw from the mystical arts, NLP, past life regression, shamanic ritual, and consensual BDSM.

I customize our sessions to provide you the exact interventions needed to unleash your inner Queen.
By working with me, you will finally give yourself permission to live from your soul’s deepest longings and to share your gifts unapologetically with the world.
The Red Mistress beckons you to her temple. Cross the threshold and claim the rich, juicy, pleasurable Queendom that awaits you. I will push you further than you ever thought possible – if you dare to find out just how deliciously sovereign you can be.

Your crown is ready. Will you wear it?


to see if it’s destiny here:
WHAT YOU GET IN YOUR personalized journey
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